Terms of Use & Disclaimer

Terms of Use

Use this site at your own risk. The exercise images on this site are the copyright of BPM Rx, Inc and Ben Musholt. No reproduction or unauthorized use of the images is allowed.


The exercise images shown on this website are for informational purposes only. BPM Rx Inc. and Ben Musholt advise that the exercises and workout combinations described on Push-Pull-Legs.com can be strenuous, and may not be suitable for all individuals. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

No claim to the safety of the movements or techniques on this site is being made. You are advised to consult with a qualified professional to determine if they are appropriate for you. Likewise, it is strongly recommended that the visitor consult with a physician before engaging in any of the physical activities described on this website or any other exercise routine. The publisher and creator disclaim any and all liability for any injury or conditioned sustained via performance of the exercises on this site and may NOT be held liable for any damages from the practice of said exercises.

Your health and safety are most important.

Be smart: Consult with professionals, train with caution, and use appropriate exercise progressions.